On The Road Again

Well spring has finally come to Wisconsin. I was wondering for a while if the weather was ever going to get nice. But it’s finally been warm enough and pleasant enough that I’ve been able to get back out on the bike again.

I’m fortunate to live near some wonderful wildlife and nature preserves with miles of hiking trails. Bikes, alas, are not permitted, although I do understand why. Bike tires can be extremely destructive and disruptive inside of nature preserves.

This is the time of year when flowers are popping up all over the place. Like an entirely unexpected cluster of flowering trees just appearing at random alongside the road. I wanted to go get a closer picture but I would have had to scramble down a steep ditch to get over there so I had to settle for taking photos from the road.

Then I ran into this on one of the trails around here and I was able to get in close for some photos.

I suppose a lot of people would have just blown past, but I’m in no hurry. I’d probably irritate a lot of bike riders if I were with a group because I always want to stop and look at something or take photos. People are in such a hurry these days that they miss much of the beauty this world has to offer.

I love my technology, my gadgets, my computers and all that. But I think we pay a steep price if we wander too far away from nature and lose our connection with the world around us.

Okay, wait a minute, we got 2 now??? And flowers!

Apparently Cat 1 cloned herself and we got two tabbies now? Sort of a matched set? Yeah, we got two of them now. That’s Cat 1 on the right and Cat 2 on the left. Or is it Cat 1 on the left and Cat 2 on the right? Both tabby, both large economy sized kitties and I’ve already resigned myself to constantly confusing which one is which.

Cat 2 is a sort of refugee. She was a shelter kitty who was adopted into a home where a pre-existing cat decided she hated her and beat the crap out of her every chance she had. Not a good situation. So we agreed to try taking her in and see how Cat 1 would handle having another kitty in the house. As you can see, Cat 1 has no problem with having a new roommate at all. The two of them have been together about 4 days now and are getting along just fine. They aren’t exactly cuddle buddies but there’s been no hissing or spitting or growling or fighting. In fact no drama at all.

And considering this is Cat 2’s fourth home in about 3 months she’s adjusting remarkably well. She spent about the first hour here under the sofa, then decided that was boring and went and sat under the bed for a while, and the next morning she was acting like she’s lived here all her life. She’s not a lap cat like Cat 1 is, but she’s become downright affectionate towards me.

We were nervous about how Cat 1 would handle an intruder but aside from eyeing her with suspicion for the first day or two there hasn’t been any problem at all. In fact I think the two of them colluded in a 4 AM raid on the butter dish this morning. I woke with a start upon hearing a loud crashing noise and rushed out to find the two of them sitting under the dining room table and pretending they had no idea how MrsGF’s favorite ceramic covered butter dish ended up in many pieces on the floor. They would have had to get a rather heavy, covered, ceramic dish, with a quarter pound of butter in it, lifted up over the top of a one inch thick cutting board, shoved about three feet along a counter and then onto the floor, and I don’t think either one of then could have done it by themselves so I think both of then were in on it.

So, it’s spring! Yeah, sure it is. Temperature was down around 28 degrees last night. Sigh… Good thing we haven’t got anything planted out in the gardens yet. We do have flowers, though. A few of the more daring plants have been putting on a show.

It’s wonderful to be seeing color out in the gardens again.

Let’s see, what else?

Oh, I mentioned before that we were going to be getting the roof on the house and garage replaced sometime this year. We had the contractor out here Monday morning to measure everything up, give us a quote, and now we have that scheduled for sometime in late May or early June. Estimated cost for that is going to be around $13,000. That’s actually a bit less than I had anticipated so I’m pleased with that.

Once the roof is replaced I can start thinking about putting up a permanent solar array on the south facing garage roof. Hopefully I’ll be able to finally get enough solar panels up there to adequately feed the solar power system so we can fully utilize it at last. Going to have to see what the budget can handle. Might have to wait a while for our household budget to be able to deal with about 5 KW of solar panels.

I Love It When A Plan Actually Works!

Well we got absolutely hammered by the winter storm that rolled through here. Intense, heavy wet snow of up to 14 inches in some areas around here. Plus 60 MPH winds creating blizzard conditions. Even worse the snow clung like glue to power lines, poles and trees, dropping them like kindling all through this part of the state.

The result was wide spread power outages that took out power to 200,000 or more people. Entire counties were were blacked out. The entire Door Peninsula was blacked out. As of 10 AM this morning, there were still something like 60,000 people without power and some could be waiting another 24 – 48 hours before the lights come back on.

Our power went out at 4:23 yesterday morning. I sleep with a fan running in the bedroom to mask household noises that sometimes wake me up, so I woke up when the fan shut down. I wasn’t surprised at all to find the power out when I looked outside and saw the snow flying sideways driven by high winds and sticking to everything like glue.

We’d planned for something like this when we put in the solar power system, so all I had to do was throw a couple of switches on panels in the basement and everything in the house was energized again. By 4:35 I was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee, and the entire house working normally.

It was considerably different in the rest of the town. There wasn’t a single light anywhere in the entire town. It was spooky. It was a really odd feeling to be sitting there comfortably, having coffee, some toast, reading the local weekly newspaper, with the entire surrounding down completely black.

This was the first lengthy blackout we’d experienced since we put the system in and it worked even better than we’d thought. We’d put in enough batteries to keep the house functioning more or less normally for about 24 hours in case of a blackout, and it exceeded our expectations. We still had about 75% battery capacity left when the power finally came back on after about 14 hours.

And just to make sure our backup to our backup, the old Generac gas powered generator and the battery charging system would work properly I tested that too and used it to recharge the batteries back up to 100% and that worked too.

Damn, it’s nice when your plans actually work!

April Fools Surprise. Welcome to Spring in Wisconsin!

this is what it looks like outside right now. Actually it’s worse than that now. I took that photo up there in a bit of a lull. It’s snowing so hard I can hardly see the end of the block right now.

Latest weather report I heard says we could see 14 inches of this stuff by mid-morning tomorrow, along with winds of up to 40 – 50 mph.


Catching Up: Solar Numbers and V2H

It’s been ages since I posted anything here except for the brief announcement about Cat moving in with us. But there is a good reason for that. Pretty much nothing has been going on here. At least nothing worth writing about. But now I do.

Solar, Taxes and ROI

So we just got our taxes back from the accountant so I wanted to talk about money and solar power. Especially about the 30% federal tax credit for the purchase of solar equipment. I’ve been wading through a lot of solar power related forums for some time now and there is a lot of misinformation floating around about this, so let’s see if I can straighten some of this out.

First of all, the best way to determine what is or is not a qualified purchase for the purposes of the tax credit is to go straight to the horse’s mouth, the IRS, and the agency’s information about Form 5695, which is how you apply for the tax credit. All of the information you need is right there if you click on that link up there. Stop paying attention to the self appointed “experts” on the internet and go directly to the IRS if you want information.

Note first of all that this is a federal tax credit. That means it is applicable only if you owe the federal government. It goes towards reducing the amount of tax you pay.

In our case here pretty much everything that we bought for the solar power system was allowable: batteries, solar panels, inverters, circuit breakers, wiring, switches, etc. could be applied to the tax credit. Once our accountant got done with all of it, our residential energy tax credit amounted to about $5,000. Needless to say, MrsGF and I were more than pleased with this.

So what does this mean when applied to our out of pocket costs? When everything we had receipts for (you did save your receipts and invoices, right?) was added up our total cost, including solar panels, was $16,000. The tax credit brought that down to $11,000.

So let’s now talk about ROI, or return on investment. How long will it take for our solar system to more or less pay for itself?

Since we put in the system about a year ago we saw a dramatic decrease in our electric utility bill, far more than I’d anticipated. I had estimated that if we were able to use the system as intended, it would cut our utility bill by about 1/3 when it was in operation. This should have been significantly more but at the moment we are restricted because we can’t get enough solar panels out there to really feed enough power into the system. We’re going to need to mount panels permanently on the garage roof. We can fit about 5KW – 6KW of panels up there. But the garage roof (and the house, for that matter) are scheduled to have the roofs replaced in another year. That’s how we have things budgeted, and we aren’t going to change the schedule at this point in time. It doesn’t make sense to put all those panels on the roof, only to have to take them all down again and then immediately have to reinstall them in a year or so when the roof is replaced. So for the time being we only have 2KW of solar out there on the backside of the garage. Once we get enough solar panels out there, we can take full advantage of the system and batteries and there should be a lot of days when all of our electrical needs are met by solar.

Anyway, let’s look at some numbers. Our electric bill in the year before we put in the system was pushing close to $300/month and some months even more. After we put in the system that dropped to around $150 – $170 per month. We estimate that we’re saving about $1,800 per year.

Our cost after the tax credit was $11,000. 11,000 divided by 1,800 is 6.11. So the system will basically pay for itself in 6 years. That’s assuming the rate we pay the utility for electricity stays the same as it is now, $0.16/kWh. And the chances of that rate going up significantly in the next few years are pretty much 100% considering the way things are going.

Of course our expense is going to go up when we add more solar panels, but once we do that we’ll be able to utilize the system more fully and further cut our utility bill as well.

I still need to do some work on the system. It is still in “experimental mode” so to speak. I need to make some changes to the wiring, run conduit, add a few safety features dictated by building codes, etc. But now that I know the system pretty much works well I can go forward with that.


In case you don’t know what that means up there in the heading, it stands for Vehicle to Home, and it’s related to EVs and their potential use to power a house during a blackout. The idea is, of course, that you have this massive battery pack sitting in your EV so why not use that power, or at least some of it, to keep essential equipment running in your home during a blackout.

There is also something called V2G, vehicle to grid, which is where the utility company wants to suck the power out of your EV to keep the grid going under heavy load conditions, but that’s an entirely different subject.

Ford made a big deal out of the V2H capabilities of the Lightning when it was first introduced, promising to actually sell you all of the equipment you’d need to do it. At the time I did a bit of research and the marketing people were saying the kit to do this would cost about $5,000, which I thought was a bit expensive, but not too horrible, all things considered.

Well last week I was talking to an actual real person who puts these things in out in California and I found out that the $5K price that was initially bandied about was ridiculously optimistic. He just put one in last week and the total cost was actually $14,000. He’s done about a dozen of these now and the cost of the installation, including labor parts, etc, has been running between $12,000 to $15,000 depending on what the electrical service in the customer’s home is like.

But $14K??? Seriously? That is a hell of a lot of money just to be able to suck power back out of your truck. Especially when you consider that my entire solar system, including batteries, inverters and solar panels, was only $16K.

That’s about it for now. Hopefully I’ll be getting back to updating this on a more timely basis!

Cat Part 2

MrsGF made the cat her own sofa. Note the cord on the right side. It’s heated. No, the cat is not being spoiled. Not at all….

Woke up around 2 AM and found her in bed with me, snuggled up against my chest. Which was fine until about half an hour later she decided she needed to groom herself, and me. So I had to pick up the little goof and put her in her bed in the living room. Going to have to remember to keep the bedroom door closed.


We have a cat again! After we lost Meg to old age we weren’t sure we realy wanted another cat. But… I can’t believe how much I missed having a cat in the house. It was like there was this empty space in my life… Anyway, once again we have cat. Meet Charlie.

Like almost all of our other cats she is a sort of rescue kitty. Her owner is going in for ankle surgery and after that she is moving into an apartment that doesn’t allow pets so she had to give her up. Then we heard about it from some of our family and without even thinking I said “We’ll take her”. And here she is.

And she is amazing. i know, I know, everyone thinks their new cat is amazing but Charlie really is. She’s 12 years old and is the most mellow, affectionate, well adjusted kitty I’ve ever seen.

We were prepared for drama when Charlie moved in. Anyone who has ever had to move a cat into a new environment or took one into a new family will know what I mean. Cats generally are creatures of habit. They don’t like change. And before this kitty came along most of our cats haven’t exactly been, well, normal. They came from a variety of unpleasant situations where they often were not treated well. It sometimes took weeks, even months or longer before a new cat moving into our home adjusted and came to realize they were in a safe environment.

With Charlie, though? Charlie was always in a pleasant, loving environment from the time she was born and it shows. Within 10 minutes of coming into the house she’d decided she liked it here. She spent some time exploring, let us pet and brush her and make a fuss over her, purred at us a lot, rolled on the floor and asked for tummy rubs, had decided which chair was the most comfortable for naps. She showed us which toys she likes to play with, which brush she prefers. She loves snuggling and when she’s happy she has a purr you can hear from three feet away.

What it boils down to is we love her, and she seems to love us and her new home. This is the third day we’ve had her and every time I see her I grin like an idiot.

Damn I missed having a cat.

Okay, this is getting ridiculous

The weather, I mean. I’ve never seen a winter like this before in Wisconsin. December was abnormally warm. January started out warm, then we got hit with this…

Actual real winter!

Now my back yard looks like this…

For weeks now it’s just barely been dipping below freezing at night, and during the day the termperatures have been getting warmer, and warmer, and warmer. For the last few days our high temps have been in the mid-40s. And by the middle of next week it’s supposed to hit the 5os here.

We have flowers starting to come up. The vegetable gardens are going to need to be weeded here pretty soon if this keeps up. The grass is starting to grow.

This is February. In Wisconsin. January and February are our coldest months. We generally get weeks of below zero weather here this time of year.

All of the ski and snowmobile trails are closed and have been closed all season except for that one snowstorm we had. Ice fishing? Forget it. What little ice there is out there on the local lakes is now so rotten they’ve had to resort to using airboats to go out to rescue the few damned fools who’ve tried to venture out on the ice.

The sturgeon spearing season is supposed to start on Lake Winnebago on Feb. 10. Usually there will be about 6,000 ice houses out there and hundreds of trucks and ATVs. This year? If this keeps up it’s entirely possible we won’t have a sturgeon season at all.

Winter Finally Gets Here, Solar Stuff And More, well, Stuff!

Took me over an hour to dig the solar panels out from under about 3 feet of snow. Great fun.

After one of the warmest Decembers on record, the weather has finally taken a more winter like turn. We got about 5 – 8 inches of snow last week Tuesday into Wednesday. Followed by a full scale blizzard a couple of days later. And now this week we’ve had below zero temperatures. I’m not complaining. This is actually pretty normal for us. Which brings me to this little mini-rant…

What really frosts my cookies is how the local news outlets go almost into total panic mode whenever we have more than a couple of inches of snow or the temperatures get close to zero. This is Wisconsin, for heaven’s sake! We deal with this Every. Single. Year. This isn’t Georgia or North Carolina where an inch of snow shuts everything down because they don’t have the equipment or the expertise to deal with it. If you listened to some of the television weather reports here leading up to this relatively minor snowfall you’d think we had a category 5 hurricane bearing down on us. All things considered, this “storm” was pretty much a total bust. It caused some slight delays, we had to fire up the snowblowers and snowplows for the first time for a few hours, and that was about it. I have literally driven motorcycles in weather worse than what we had.

I sometimes wonder what the heck has happened to people. Maybe it’s because I grew up on a farm? The farm doesn’t shut down for bad weather. Never. The chores still have to be done, the cows still have to be milked and fed, the young stock still has to be cared for, the manure still has to get hauled out, no matter how cold it is, no matter how much snow is on the ground.

Solar Stuff

Speaking of weather, one of the problems with Wisconsin is that from about, oh, November through the end of February we rarely see the sun at all. So if you’re running a solar power system you’re SOL as they say. I don’t think we’ve seen the sun for more than a few hours since mid-November. And after the power flickered and even went out for a couple of minutes during the snow storm I figured I’d better check the state of my battery bank just in case I had to switch over to that. And found that the batteries were down to 48V instead of the 53 or 54 they should have been at. That meant they were down to about 60% capacity. Oops?

Well considering we haven’t had sun in two or three months that shouldn’t have been surprising. I had the batteries in standby mode all that time so they were using a bit of power to keep the BMS operating. I should have just shut them down completely but I’d neglected to do that. I don’t have provisions for charging them from the grid at the moment, so that meant I had to drag out the big old Generac and fire that beast up. It’s out there right now dumping about 30A at 240V into the charger that’s topping up the batteries. And yes, I know it’s too close to the house but I got CO detectors all over the place and it’s only for a few hours so stop clutching your pearls and wringing your hands.

That’s the problem with solar power. In ideal conditions, on paper, it’s fantastic. In the real world there are some serious issues. Like what do you do when there’s no sun?

Fly Me To The Moon

Or maybe not? NASA finally admitted that it’s goal of getting humans back on the moon anytime soon was not going to work. The date for an actual manned landing looks like it’s being pushed back to at least 2026. And I’ll be utterly astonished if they manage to do it even then. It’s proposed schedule was always completely ridiculous.

They’ve done exactly one test flight of their outrageously over priced rocket and it seems to work. But everything else they need? They don’t have any of the other bits and pieces they need to make it work. None. Zero.

They don’t have a lunar lander. They don’t have lunar rated spacesuits. They don’t have anything they need except the launch vehicle. Space X’s starship is an essential part of the planned mission, and Space X hasn’t even managed to get one into orbit yet much less prove the vehicle will do everything it’s supposed to do, including robotic in-orbit refueling of other spacecraft.

Plus no one has yet explained to me exactly why we need to land people on the moon in the first place. Don’t get me wrong. I’d dearly love to see us putting people on the moon again. But ultimately what are they going to do there? Science? The Mars rovers have proven over and over again that we don’t need to put people at risk just to get scientific data. Putting some kind of colony on the moon? That’s a complete pipe dream. For God’s sake, why?

Exploiting the moon’s resources? What resources? As far as I know there isn’t anything, not one single thing on the moon that we need badly enough to go to the expense and risk of putting people up there. Nothing. Zilch.

Other Stuff

I’ve got two or three things on the bench I want to talk about in the near future. There’s an SDR sitting there in the box waiting to be played with. There’s a cheap video microscope that I just got that needs to be put together and fiddled with. I just got a new set of electronics tools from IFixit that I want to talk about too.